Broomball is a unique sport resembling a combination of ice hockey and indoor soccer. The game is played on an ice rink with two teams of six players (typically 3 offense, 2 defense, and a goalie), with the object being to score goals against the other team, similar to hockey. Broomball goals are larger than hockey nets, players wear specialized broomball shoes instead of skates, and use what we call a “broom” to control a ball – all of this equipment is specially made for the sport of broomball.
Broomball is similar to hockey, but differs in some important ways. While concepts like “offside” and “icing” are in effect, they’re somewhat different than hockey rules, and there are several rules surrounding the use of the feet and hands that don’t apply in hockey.
The CBA uses the rules established by USA Broomball. The lists below are not comprehensive. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Here are the basic “modes” you should be in while playing broomball. Please contact us if you have any questions!
© 2025 Cincinnati Broomball Association.