After much discussion, we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel CBA league games until further notice. Considering the great lengths we’re willing to travel to play this crazy sport with our favorite people, we can assure you this was not a choice we took lightly. The finely-tuned athletic machines in our league may not be considered high-risk patients in our current environment, but until testing on a wider scale and more accurate information becomes available, we won’t know what’s truly at stake.  
With the rise in severity of recommended precautions from all levels of government and the World Health Organization, we believe it is imperative to take these measures to protect the safety of our members, their families, and all our neighbors. Frankly, we aren’t certain what the risk of additional infection would be if league games continued, but the potential for the CBA to put even one person at risk of illness (or worse) is a risk we felt irresponsible taking.
We will be working with Sports Plus to see what our options are financially on cancelled ice time, but for now, we have no updates on league fees/refunds/etc.
We will also continue to monitor our options week by week, and if outlooks become more favorable, we are definitely keeping an open mind about getting folks back out on the ice. Until then, watch old game footage to scratch your broomball itch and be safe out there!
Brian Rankine
CBA Presidente